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Gone with the Wind | Margaret Mitchell
Gone with the Wind | Margaret Mitchell

Time Enough for Love | Robert A. Heinlein
Time Enough for Love | Robert A. Heinlein

And Then There Were None | Agatha Christie
And Then There Were None | Agatha Christie

Worm of Death, The | Nicholas Blake
Worm of Death, The | Nicholas Blake

Great Gatsby, The | F. Scott Fitzgerald
Great Gatsby, The | F. Scott Fitzgerald

Hobbit, The | J. R. R. Tolkien
Hobbit, The | J. R. R. Tolkien

Bandit Jim Crow | Laura Bancroft, L. Frank Baum
Bandit Jim Crow | Laura Bancroft, L. Frank Baum

Case in the Clinic | E. C. R. Lorac
Case in the Clinic | E. C. R. Lorac

Big Bender, The | Charles Jr Clapp
Big Bender, The | Charles Jr Clapp

Animal Farm | George Orwell
Animal Farm | George Orwell

Whispering Man, The | Henry Holt
Whispering Man, The | Henry Holt

In Cold Blood | Truman Capote
In Cold Blood | Truman Capote

Buckskin Brigades | L. Ron Hubbard
Buckskin Brigades | L. Ron Hubbard

Magician's Nephew, The | C. S. Lewis
Magician's Nephew, The | C. S. Lewis

For Whom the Bell Tolls | Ernest Hemingway
For Whom the Bell Tolls | Ernest Hemingway

Night Life of the Gods, The | Thorne Smith
Night Life of the Gods, The | Thorne Smith

Years, The | Virginia Woolf
Years, The | Virginia Woolf

Mystery of 52, The | Walter S. Masterman
Mystery of 52, The | Walter S. Masterman

One Touch of Venus | S. J. Perelman, Ogden Nash
One Touch of Venus | S. J. Perelman, Ogden Nash

Black Honeymoon, The | Conyth Little
Black Honeymoon, The | Conyth Little

Farewell to Arms, A. | Ernest Hemingway
Farewell to Arms, A. | Ernest Hemingway

But Gently Day | Robert Nathan
But Gently Day | Robert Nathan

Star Science Fiction Stories No. 3 | Frederik Pohl, Anthology
Star Science Fiction Stories No. 3 | Frederik Pohl, Anthology

Smartest Grave, The | R. J. White
Smartest Grave, The | R. J. White